

CATHY DICKSON, Missionary to Africa

Africa; Now is the time for AFRICA!

Welcome, as you read, listen to your heart, let the Spirit lead you:

"Will you go with me?"

My name is Cathy Dickson, aka mamaCD, currently I teach future counselors in the Community Services Worker Program at National Academy of Health and Business in Hamilton Ontario.

I love the Lord Jesus Christ and because of His great love for me I choose to obey Him wherever that leads me. One place it leads me to is Africa; Now is the Time for Africa! The first will be last and the last first. Its time for change, by the power of God on this great continent.

My mission is to support that change by helping leadership to build their communities by building their people in a Christ-like manner.

I have previous ministry experience and have lived in Botswana, travelled in missions in South Africa, Kenya and Botswana over the past 10 years on a number of occasions.

I began my journey in missions at an altar call at People's Church Hamilton, Ontario over 30 years ago when a Pastor asked for those who are called to go to the nations and those who will co-labor by funding the work of missions to step forward to the altar and proclaim that before the Lord. I stepped forward and am still moving forward. The song we sang that day was, “Here Am I Send Me to the Nations” [©1987 Bob Kilpatrick]

(My Father)
Here am I,
Send me to the nations,
As an ambassador for You,
As an ambassador for You
Here am I.

(My children)
Ask of Me,
And I will give the nations,
As an inheritance for you
As an inheritance for you
Ask of me.
(Isaiah 6:8; Psalm 2:8)

Not long after that altar call, I founded and directed a mission, “Ark of Blessing” on Six Nations Indian Reserve, from that point on I've continued in missions in my Jerusalem, Judea and my Samaria. Today, that is both here in Canada and abroad in Africa.

When I land in Africa, I feel like "home", because God's presence is there, its almost tangible. Its His presence that transforms lives and nations throughout the continent.

I travel as the Apostle Paul did, in a "tent making" ministry, self supported. All of your prayers and all of your financial support can help to send me to one of these or another developing nation as God leads.

I'm asking you to:

-Pray for the Lord to continue to work, transforming lives and awakening the lost and dying to the truth of the Gospel

-For wisdom and safety for the believers who are in persecuted areas of the continent

-That God's loving kindness would reach the hearts of even the vilest sinner, bringing them to repentance

-That the Lord would prepare my heart for the work that He wants me to do so

-For financial provision

Thank-you so much for your caring heart to read and respond to this pressing need.
May God truly bless you!

Please consider partnering with me in this work to transform lives of women, children and leaders of communities who hunger for change. 

To make a donation: Link to donation site

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